If you’re asking the question “what is a catholic revert”, you might be just as confused as I was not all that long ago.
To put it really simply, a Catholic revert is someone who left the Catholic Church, and then came back. Not to be confused with a Catholic convert, who is someone raised in a different christian faith or no faith at all, who later becomes Catholic.
If you’re reading this and you are not Catholic, this probably sounds like the dumbest thing someone could ever do. OR, you’re wondering if this could be you.
Why would someone revert to the Catholic faith?
Everybody’s story can be so different. Maybe you or someone you know left the Catholic faith, and just kind of floated through life until they came to a point where they felt convicted and then returned to their Catholic faith. Maybe you’re more like me, who left the Catholic faith as a teen, became agnostic for a few years, joined a protestant church (and multiple protestant churches thereafter), and maybe even loved it (like I did). But then some things just started to stick out to you and you don’t understand why. Heck, you left the Catholic Church for a reason, right? You might just throw those thoughts out. That is, until you can’t ignore them anymore.
Do people even revert to Catholicism anymore?
During my time as a protestant, I did not even know that this was a “thing”. When I listened to my first Catholic revert testimony on YouTubehttps://youtu.be/9DDTYc09LlU?si=p813yDbSbtkuef95 , I was floored because it felt like finding out unicorns are real after all. So yes, it absolutely does happen, and far more often than you might think (or have been led to believe).
So, what is a Catholic revert? It could be you, it could be someone you know.
I would love to know what questions you may have as a Catholic revert! Whether it’s you, a friend, a family member, or you’re just doing independent research – let’s be friends and chat!
Peace be with you!